Ready to learn more about the RōG philosophy? Below are some of the stories, articles, and press about RōG:

Retrospective Comparison of a Novel-Triple Row to Modified Mason Allen Rotator Cuff Repair in a Worker’s Comp Population

Evaluation and Comparison of Eyelet Durability in Generic and Brand PEEK Rotator Cuff Anchors in Porcine Cortical and Cancellous Bone

Biomechanical Comparison of Single- Double- and Novel Triple- Row Rotator Cuff Repairs in a Porcine Model Using Generic Anchors

Rotator Cuff Repair Facility Costs in an Outpatient Surgery Center and Hospital Setting

Do PEEK anchors ever fail?

The Disruptive Generic Approach

In Need of a New Hip, but Priced Out of the U.S

The Change Management Project Part3: Managing Doctors’ Concerns

The Change Management Project Part 2: Setting The Table

The Change Management Project: One Surgeon’s Attempt to Fix a Hospital Orthopaedic Service

How A Facility Implements Generic Orthopedic Implants

Generics in Orthopaedics: How to Implement the Impossible

How I Can Do a Rotator Cuff Repair for $350

Physicians Should be Part of the New Healthcare Design: Q&A With Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Blair Rhode

Corporate Profile: RoG Sports Medicine: Paving the Way for Generic Orthopedic Implants

One Orthopedic Surgeon’s Challenge to Another: Become Part of the Healthcare Business Process

Generics are Coming! Generics are Coming!

Bringing Medical Tourism Home: “All In” Orthopedic Surgery Pricing American Style

Worried About Transitioning to Generic Implants? There is Help

Beating High Orthopedic Implant Costs: How to Save Money With Generics

Suture anchor range gains US approval for ROG Sports Medicine

Generic Orthopedic Implants’ Time Has Come

RoG Sports Medicine achieves FDA clearance for new Suture Anchor Implant